Election of 1996
Abbreviations | Definitions | Sources |
Category | Result |
Incumbent | Bill Clinton (D) |
Prior streak | D (1) |
Prior five elections | R (3), D (2) |
Population | 269,394,284 |
States | 51 |
Electoral votes | 538 |
Popular votes | 96,277,223 |
Voter turnout | 49.0% |
Candidate | Party | PI | Age | State | Position | Nom | Win | CS | ROP |
Bill Clinton | D | 8.5 | 50.20 | Arkansas | President | X | X | 84.08 | 99 |
Bob Dole | R | 6.8 | 73.28 | Kansas | Senator | X | — | 67.01 | 99 |
Ross Perot | REF | 2.6 | 66.35 | Texas | Industrialist | — | — | 36.87 | 142 |
Pat Buchanan | R | 5.0 | 58.00 | Virginia | Journalist | — | — | 23.11 | 46 |
Steve Forbes | R | 3.6 | 49.29 | New Jersey | Journalist | — | — | 16.96 | 47 |
Lyndon LaRouche | D | 3.6 | 74.15 | Virginia | Movement leader | — | — | 13.27 | 37 |
Lamar Alexander | R | 7.8 | 56.33 | Tennessee | Former governor | — | — | 11.97 | 15 |
Alan Keyes | R | 3.2 | 46.23 | Maryland | Former ambassador | — | — | 11.81 | 37 |
Richard Lugar | R | 6.5 | 64.58 | Indiana | Senator | — | — | 10.51 | 16 |
Phil Gramm | R | 8.4 | 54.32 | Texas | Senator | — | — | 10.30 | 12 |
Candidate | Party | SC | PV | PV% | EV | EV% | PV*EQ | EV*EQ |
Bill Clinton | D | 32 | 47,402,357 | 49.24% | 379 | 70.45% | 49,235,277 | 379 |
Bob Dole | R | 19 | 39,198,755 | 40.71% | 159 | 29.55% | 40,714,464 | 159 |
Ross Perot | REF | 0 | 8,085,402 | 8.40% | 0 | 0.00% | 8,398,042 | 0 |
Candidate | Party | PV% | East | South | Midwest | West | EV | East | South | Midwest | West |
Bill Clinton | D | 49.24% | 55.41% | 45.90% | 48.40% | 48.15% | 379 | 127 | 59 | 100 | 93 |
Bob Dole | R | 40.71% | 33.99% | 46.10% | 40.68% | 40.54% | 159 | 0 | 104 | 29 | 26 |
Ross Perot | REF | 8.40% | 8.86% | 7.26% | 9.72% | 7.87% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
State | Total PV | Clinton | Dole | Perot | Other |
Alabama | 1,534,349 | 662,165 | 769,044 | 92,149 | 10,991 |
Alaska | 241,620 | 80,380 | 122,746 | 26,333 | 12,161 |
Arizona | 1,404,405 | 653,288 | 622,073 | 112,072 | 16,972 |
Arkansas | 884,262 | 475,171 | 325,416 | 69,884 | 13,791 |
California | 10,019,484 | 5,119,835 | 3,828,380 | 697,847 | 373,422 |
Colorado | 1,510,704 | 671,152 | 691,848 | 99,629 | 48,075 |
Connecticut | 1,392,614 | 735,740 | 483,109 | 139,523 | 34,242 |
Delaware | 270,845 | 140,355 | 99,062 | 28,719 | 2,709 |
District of Columbia | 185,726 | 158,220 | 17,339 | 3,611 | 6,556 |
Florida | 5,303,794 | 2,546,870 | 2,244,536 | 483,870 | 28,518 |
Georgia | 2,299,071 | 1,053,849 | 1,080,843 | 146,337 | 18,042 |
Hawaii | 360,120 | 205,012 | 113,943 | 27,358 | 13,807 |
Idaho | 491,719 | 165,443 | 256,595 | 62,518 | 7,163 |
Illinois | 4,311,391 | 2,341,744 | 1,587,021 | 346,408 | 36,218 |
Indiana | 2,135,431 | 887,424 | 1,006,693 | 224,299 | 17,015 |
Iowa | 1,234,075 | 620,258 | 492,644 | 105,159 | 16,014 |
Kansas | 1,074,300 | 387,659 | 583,245 | 92,639 | 10,757 |
Kentucky | 1,388,708 | 636,614 | 623,283 | 120,396 | 8,415 |
Louisiana | 1,783,959 | 927,837 | 712,586 | 123,293 | 20,243 |
Maine | 605,897 | 312,788 | 186,378 | 85,970 | 20,761 |
Maryland | 1,780,870 | 966,207 | 681,530 | 115,812 | 17,321 |
Massachusetts | 2,556,786 | 1,571,763 | 718,107 | 227,217 | 39,699 |
Michigan | 3,848,844 | 1,989,653 | 1,481,212 | 336,670 | 41,309 |
Minnesota | 2,192,640 | 1,120,438 | 766,476 | 257,704 | 48,022 |
Mississippi | 893,857 | 394,022 | 439,838 | 52,222 | 7,775 |
Missouri | 2,158,065 | 1,025,935 | 890,016 | 217,188 | 24,926 |
Montana | 407,261 | 167,922 | 179,652 | 55,229 | 4,458 |
Nebraska | 677,415 | 236,761 | 363,467 | 71,278 | 5,909 |
Nevada | 464,279 | 203,974 | 199,244 | 43,986 | 17,075 |
New Hampshire | 499,175 | 246,214 | 196,532 | 48,390 | 8,039 |
New Jersey | 3,075,807 | 1,652,329 | 1,103,078 | 262,134 | 58,266 |
New Mexico | 556,074 | 273,495 | 232,751 | 32,257 | 17,571 |
New York | 6,316,129 | 3,756,177 | 1,933,492 | 503,458 | 123,002 |
North Carolina | 2,515,807 | 1,107,849 | 1,225,938 | 168,059 | 13,961 |
North Dakota | 266,411 | 106,905 | 125,050 | 32,515 | 1,941 |
Ohio | 4,534,434 | 2,148,222 | 1,859,883 | 483,207 | 43,122 |
Oklahoma | 1,206,713 | 488,105 | 582,315 | 130,788 | 5,505 |
Oregon | 1,377,760 | 649,641 | 538,152 | 121,221 | 68,746 |
Pennsylvania | 4,506,118 | 2,215,819 | 1,801,169 | 430,984 | 58,146 |
Rhode Island | 390,284 | 233,050 | 104,683 | 43,723 | 8,828 |
South Carolina | 1,151,689 | 506,283 | 573,458 | 64,386 | 7,562 |
South Dakota | 323,826 | 139,333 | 150,543 | 31,250 | 2,700 |
Tennessee | 1,894,105 | 909,146 | 863,530 | 105,918 | 15,511 |
Texas | 5,611,644 | 2,459,683 | 2,736,167 | 378,537 | 37,257 |
Utah | 665,629 | 221,633 | 361,911 | 66,461 | 15,624 |
Vermont | 258,449 | 137,894 | 80,352 | 31,024 | 9,179 |
Virginia | 2,416,642 | 1,091,060 | 1,138,350 | 159,861 | 27,371 |
Washington | 2,253,837 | 1,123,323 | 840,712 | 201,003 | 88,799 |
West Virginia | 636,459 | 327,812 | 233,946 | 71,639 | 3,062 |
Wisconsin | 2,196,169 | 1,071,971 | 845,029 | 227,339 | 51,830 |
Wyoming | 211,571 | 77,934 | 105,388 | 25,928 | 2,321 |
Total | 96,277,223 | 47,402,357 | 39,198,755 | 8,085,402 | 1,590,709 |
State | PV winner | Clinton | Dole | Perot | Other |
Alabama | Dole | 43.16% | 50.12% | 6.01% | 0.72% |
Alaska | Dole | 33.27% | 50.80% | 10.90% | 5.03% |
Arizona | Clinton | 46.52% | 44.29% | 7.98% | 1.21% |
Arkansas | Clinton | 53.74% | 36.80% | 7.90% | 1.56% |
California | Clinton | 51.10% | 38.21% | 6.97% | 3.73% |
Colorado | Dole | 44.43% | 45.80% | 6.60% | 3.18% |
Connecticut | Clinton | 52.83% | 34.69% | 10.02% | 2.46% |
Delaware | Clinton | 51.82% | 36.58% | 10.60% | 1.00% |
District of Columbia | Clinton | 85.19% | 9.34% | 1.94% | 3.53% |
Florida | Clinton | 48.02% | 42.32% | 9.12% | 0.54% |
Georgia | Dole | 45.84% | 47.01% | 6.37% | 0.79% |
Hawaii | Clinton | 56.93% | 31.64% | 7.60% | 3.83% |
Idaho | Dole | 33.65% | 52.18% | 12.71% | 1.46% |
Illinois | Clinton | 54.32% | 36.81% | 8.04% | 0.84% |
Indiana | Dole | 41.56% | 47.14% | 10.50% | 0.80% |
Iowa | Clinton | 50.26% | 39.92% | 8.52% | 1.30% |
Kansas | Dole | 36.09% | 54.29% | 8.62% | 1.00% |
Kentucky | Clinton | 45.84% | 44.88% | 8.67% | 0.61% |
Louisiana | Clinton | 52.01% | 39.94% | 6.91% | 1.14% |
Maine | Clinton | 51.62% | 30.76% | 14.19% | 3.43% |
Maryland | Clinton | 54.26% | 38.27% | 6.50% | 0.97% |
Massachusetts | Clinton | 61.47% | 28.09% | 8.89% | 1.55% |
Michigan | Clinton | 51.70% | 38.49% | 8.75% | 1.07% |
Minnesota | Clinton | 51.10% | 34.96% | 11.75% | 2.19% |
Mississippi | Dole | 44.08% | 49.21% | 5.84% | 0.87% |
Missouri | Clinton | 47.54% | 41.24% | 10.06% | 1.16% |
Montana | Dole | 41.23% | 44.11% | 13.56% | 1.10% |
Nebraska | Dole | 34.95% | 53.66% | 10.52% | 0.87% |
Nevada | Clinton | 43.93% | 42.92% | 9.47% | 3.68% |
New Hampshire | Clinton | 49.32% | 39.37% | 9.69% | 1.61% |
New Jersey | Clinton | 53.72% | 35.86% | 8.52% | 1.89% |
New Mexico | Clinton | 49.18% | 41.86% | 5.80% | 3.16% |
New York | Clinton | 59.47% | 30.61% | 7.97% | 1.95% |
North Carolina | Dole | 44.04% | 48.73% | 6.68% | 0.56% |
North Dakota | Dole | 40.13% | 46.94% | 12.21% | 0.73% |
Ohio | Clinton | 47.38% | 41.02% | 10.66% | 0.95% |
Oklahoma | Dole | 40.45% | 48.26% | 10.84% | 0.46% |
Oregon | Clinton | 47.15% | 39.06% | 8.80% | 4.99% |
Pennsylvania | Clinton | 49.17% | 39.97% | 9.56% | 1.29% |
Rhode Island | Clinton | 59.71% | 26.82% | 11.20% | 2.26% |
South Carolina | Dole | 43.96% | 49.79% | 5.59% | 0.66% |
South Dakota | Dole | 43.03% | 46.49% | 9.65% | 0.83% |
Tennessee | Clinton | 48.00% | 45.59% | 5.59% | 0.82% |
Texas | Dole | 43.83% | 48.76% | 6.75% | 0.66% |
Utah | Dole | 33.30% | 54.37% | 9.99% | 2.35% |
Vermont | Clinton | 53.35% | 31.09% | 12.00% | 3.55% |
Virginia | Dole | 45.15% | 47.11% | 6.62% | 1.13% |
Washington | Clinton | 49.84% | 37.30% | 8.92% | 3.94% |
West Virginia | Clinton | 51.51% | 36.76% | 11.26% | 0.48% |
Wisconsin | Clinton | 48.81% | 38.48% | 10.35% | 2.36% |
Wyoming | Dole | 36.84% | 49.81% | 12.26% | 1.10% |
Total | Clinton | 49.24% | 40.71% | 8.40% | 1.65% |
State | Total EV | Clinton | Dole |
Alabama | 9 | 0 | 9 |
Alaska | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Arizona | 8 | 8 | 0 |
Arkansas | 6 | 6 | 0 |
California | 54 | 54 | 0 |
Colorado | 8 | 0 | 8 |
Connecticut | 8 | 8 | 0 |
Delaware | 3 | 3 | 0 |
District of Columbia | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Florida | 25 | 25 | 0 |
Georgia | 13 | 0 | 13 |
Hawaii | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Idaho | 4 | 0 | 4 |
Illinois | 22 | 22 | 0 |
Indiana | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Iowa | 7 | 7 | 0 |
Kansas | 6 | 0 | 6 |
Kentucky | 8 | 8 | 0 |
Louisiana | 9 | 9 | 0 |
Maine | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Maryland | 10 | 10 | 0 |
Massachusetts | 12 | 12 | 0 |
Michigan | 18 | 18 | 0 |
Minnesota | 10 | 10 | 0 |
Mississippi | 7 | 0 | 7 |
Missouri | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Montana | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Nebraska | 5 | 0 | 5 |
Nevada | 4 | 4 | 0 |
New Hampshire | 4 | 4 | 0 |
New Jersey | 15 | 15 | 0 |
New Mexico | 5 | 5 | 0 |
New York | 33 | 33 | 0 |
North Carolina | 14 | 0 | 14 |
North Dakota | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Ohio | 21 | 21 | 0 |
Oklahoma | 8 | 0 | 8 |
Oregon | 7 | 7 | 0 |
Pennsylvania | 23 | 23 | 0 |
Rhode Island | 4 | 4 | 0 |
South Carolina | 8 | 0 | 8 |
South Dakota | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Tennessee | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Texas | 32 | 0 | 32 |
Utah | 5 | 0 | 5 |
Vermont | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Virginia | 13 | 0 | 13 |
Washington | 11 | 11 | 0 |
West Virginia | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Wisconsin | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Wyoming | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Total | 538 | 379 | 159 |
State | PV winner | Runnerup | Gap (votes) | Gap (points) | Flip |
Alabama | Dole | Clinton | 106,879 | 6.97 | 53,440 |
Alaska | Dole | Clinton | 42,366 | 17.53 | 21,184 |
Arizona | Clinton | Dole | 31,215 | 2.22 | 15,608 |
Arkansas | Clinton | Dole | 149,755 | 16.94 | 74,878 |
California | Clinton | Dole | 1,291,455 | 12.89 | 645,728 |
Colorado | Dole | Clinton | 20,696 | 1.37 | 10,349 |
Connecticut | Clinton | Dole | 252,631 | 18.14 | 126,316 |
Delaware | Clinton | Dole | 41,293 | 15.25 | 20,647 |
District of Columbia | Clinton | Dole | 140,881 | 75.85 | 70,441 |
Florida | Clinton | Dole | 302,334 | 5.70 | 151,168 |
Georgia | Dole | Clinton | 26,994 | 1.17 | 13,498 |
Hawaii | Clinton | Dole | 91,069 | 25.29 | 45,535 |
Idaho | Dole | Clinton | 91,152 | 18.54 | 45,577 |
Illinois | Clinton | Dole | 754,723 | 17.51 | 377,362 |
Indiana | Dole | Clinton | 119,269 | 5.59 | 59,635 |
Iowa | Clinton | Dole | 127,614 | 10.34 | 63,808 |
Kansas | Dole | Clinton | 195,586 | 18.21 | 97,794 |
Kentucky | Clinton | Dole | 13,331 | 0.96 | 6,666 |
Louisiana | Clinton | Dole | 215,251 | 12.07 | 107,626 |
Maine | Clinton | Dole | 126,410 | 20.86 | 63,206 |
Maryland | Clinton | Dole | 284,677 | 15.99 | 142,339 |
Massachusetts | Clinton | Dole | 853,656 | 33.39 | 426,829 |
Michigan | Clinton | Dole | 508,441 | 13.21 | 254,221 |
Minnesota | Clinton | Dole | 353,962 | 16.14 | 176,982 |
Mississippi | Dole | Clinton | 45,816 | 5.13 | 22,909 |
Missouri | Clinton | Dole | 135,919 | 6.30 | 67,960 |
Montana | Dole | Clinton | 11,730 | 2.88 | 5,866 |
Nebraska | Dole | Clinton | 126,706 | 18.70 | 63,354 |
Nevada | Clinton | Dole | 4,730 | 1.02 | 2,366 |
New Hampshire | Clinton | Dole | 49,682 | 9.95 | 24,842 |
New Jersey | Clinton | Dole | 549,251 | 17.86 | 274,626 |
New Mexico | Clinton | Dole | 40,744 | 7.33 | 20,373 |
New York | Clinton | Dole | 1,822,685 | 28.86 | 911,343 |
North Carolina | Dole | Clinton | 118,089 | 4.69 | 59,045 |
North Dakota | Dole | Clinton | 18,145 | 6.81 | 9,073 |
Ohio | Clinton | Dole | 288,339 | 6.36 | 144,170 |
Oklahoma | Dole | Clinton | 94,210 | 7.81 | 47,106 |
Oregon | Clinton | Dole | 111,489 | 8.09 | 55,745 |
Pennsylvania | Clinton | Dole | 414,650 | 9.20 | 207,326 |
Rhode Island | Clinton | Dole | 128,367 | 32.89 | 64,184 |
South Carolina | Dole | Clinton | 67,175 | 5.83 | 33,588 |
South Dakota | Dole | Clinton | 11,210 | 3.46 | 5,606 |
Tennessee | Clinton | Dole | 45,616 | 2.41 | 22,809 |
Texas | Dole | Clinton | 276,484 | 4.93 | 138,243 |
Utah | Dole | Clinton | 140,278 | 21.07 | 70,140 |
Vermont | Clinton | Dole | 57,542 | 22.26 | 28,772 |
Virginia | Dole | Clinton | 47,290 | 1.96 | 23,646 |
Washington | Clinton | Dole | 282,611 | 12.54 | 141,306 |
West Virginia | Clinton | Dole | 93,866 | 14.75 | 46,934 |
Wisconsin | Clinton | Dole | 226,942 | 10.33 | 113,472 |
Wyoming | Dole | Clinton | 27,454 | 12.98 | 13,728 |
Total | Clinton | Dole | 8,203,602 | 8.52 | 4,101,802 |